Do You Think Indoor Tanning is Safe?

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Go Ahead... Have Some More Chocolate!

You know and I know that everyone loves chocolate. Go ahead and indulge - it might just do you some good!

Did you know that chocolate contains a natural compound that can be preventative against cancer? This compound, called epicatechin, is a flavinoid that acts as an antioxidant. Antioxidants slow down harmful oxidation in the body by mopping up oxygen-containing free radicals formed as a by-product of normal metabolism.

Antioxidants have long been identified as having benefits that include protection against cancer, strengthening the immune system, and possibly improving cardiovascular health. Here are a few hints:

  • The darker the chocolate, the more antioxidants it contains.

  • Milk chocolate isn't included here, as milk binds to antioxidants, limiting their absorption.

  • Read the labels to make sure your chocolate contains real cocoa butter and not coconut or palm oils, which are high in saturated fats.

  • Those with nut allergies beware -- many chocolates are processed in plants that also process nuts. Again, read the label to be sure.

Enjoy all the chocolate treats that you want. Turns out they are actually good for you!

Resolutions, Anyone?!

Happy New Year!

January 1st usually means promising yourself that you will attain at least one previously unattainable goal, and it's most often something that requires some measure of work on your part.

Here's one great resolution idea that only takes a few minutes a day -- Take better care of your skin!

The winter months can be particularly tough on your skin. Colder temperatues and dry indoor heat can make your skin more fragile. Using a good winter moisturizer with an SPF of at least 15 will protect against those pesky UV rays, too. Don't forget -- even in colder climates, your face and hands are exposed nearly all the time!

My favorite winter moisturizer is Lubriderm Daily Moisture with SPF 15. That's the one with the purple pump. It's relatively inexpensive at $8.95 for the 16oz. bottle. It doesn't smell all "coconutty" like some sunscreens, and it's actually a great skin moisturizer, too.

No matter which brand you choose, it does you no good if it's still in the bottle. Use your sunscreen every day!